Case Study: UKRI (Public Body)

A case study on the UKRI and the need for our Lithium-ion Battery Safety Range

Proven results on 
Lithium-ion batteries

Effectively extinguishes 
Class A fires

friendly products

What was the need?

Launched in April 2018, UKRI is a public body sponsored by the Department for Business and Energy.

The fire team at UKRI approached Firechief for information on the Lith-Ex portable extinguishers and Battery Fire Suppression Kits. UKRI had had several Lithium-ion battery fires in laptops and batteries whilst being transported, hence the need for a product to safeguard against this risk.    

The solution

The organisation was impressed with the Firechief Fire Suppression Kit, as the ideal solution for the effective control and suppression of Lithium-ion battery fires. The UKRI team use the bags within their buildings and when Lithium-ion batteries need to be transported.

Lithium-ion battery fire extinguishers were also chosen due to them being environmentally friendly and their proven track record - including test results - of the AVD in stopping thermal runaway.

The benefits

The Firechief Lith-Ex Fire Suppression Kits solved the risk issue UKRI had, providing a trustworthy safeguard against small battery fires and security to employees when transporting devices with Lithium-ion batteries.

The Firechief brand was recognized as a market leader and UKRI were impressed with the excellent customer service and product knowledge of the team.


Our Firechief Lithium-ion Battery Safety Range includes Lithium-ion Battery Fire Extinguishersfire blanketssuppression kits and fire resistant containers, these products are designed to put out and keep out Lithium-ion battery fires. For more guidance on what to use on certain applications, see our product selector.

Why are Lithium-ion batteries a fire risk?
What causes Li-ion battery fires?
What to use on Li-ion battery fires
What is AVD and how does it work?
Which safety products do I need?

Need advice or some more information on our Lithium-ion Battery Safety Range?

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